Mora omnis ingrata est, sed facit sapientiam — All delay is unpleasant, but we are the wiser for it.
Mora omnis ingrata est, sed facit sapientiam – Jeder Aufschub ist unangenehm, aber wir sind um so klüger.
Francis Bacon
Franchis Bacon, Bacon von Verulam (1561 – 1626), englischer Philosoph, Jurist, Staatsmann. Wegbereiter des Empirismus
aus: „The essays or Counsels, civil and moral of Francis Bacon“ [first published in 1597, and as he left them newly written and published in 1625] including also his Apophthegms, Elegant sentences and Wisdom of the ancients. Verlag: Chicago, Donohue, Henneberry & Co. Seite 417